Cracking the Fertility Code: Calculating a Woman's Fertile Time

Do you know how to calculate a woman’s fertile time? 14 days after period? 16-days? Read here as we will give you a complete guide about this matter.

How to Calculate a Woman's Fertile Time

How to Calculate a Woman's Fertile Time Summary

  • Health Info: How to Calculate a Woman’s Fertile Time
  • Department: O&G
  • Media Publicity: General info

Women's Fertile Time Highlights

Usually, the fertile time of a woman who has a normal period cycle is on the 14th day after the first day of menstruation. However, not all women have a normal menstrual cycle of 28 days. Some are 32 days, and some are 34 days. It all depends on the woman’s body itself and there is nothing wrong if the woman comes menstruation a little late.

But if menstruation comes too late up to 40 days it is a sign that you may have fertility problems and needs a treatment. So, you can have natural sex intercourse on the 14th day, which is your wife’s ovulating time. But what about women whose menstrual cycle is 30 days or 32 days like that? How to calculate a woman’s ovulation time?

How to Calculate a Woman's Fertile Time

But most of us are not good at calculating fertile time. So, the effort to conceive is difficult to achieve. As mentioned, a moment ago, if the menstrual cycle is 28 days, then the fertile time is 14 days. The method of calculating as follows: –

  • If the menstrual cycle is 30 days, then the fertile time to have natural sexual intercourse falls on the 16th day (30 minus 14 equals 16).
  • If the menstrual cycle is 32 days, then the fertile time to have natural sexual intercourse falls on the 14th day (32 minus 14 equals 18).
  • If the menstrual cycle is 34 days, then the fertile time to have natural sexual intercourse falls on the 16th day (34 minus 14 equals 20).

Quick Pregnancy Tips

Ideally, have natural sex intercourse a day interval from the fertile time, followed by the day of the fall of the fertile time and an interval of a day. This can increase the chances of getting pregnant faster. The next quick pregnancy tip is to spend time together like going on vacation so that work stress is not thought of while having sex. Do not bring work equipment such as laptops if you want to have a sex with your partner. If you do not have the opportunity to vacation, spend a lot of time together in the room and do activities together such as bathing, cooking and others.

Usually, couples who have sex naturally will be able to have children within 6 months to a maximum of 2 years after marriage. But if the couple is still not pregnant after from the above period, you are advised to go to a woman’s specialist doctor. Most likely you or your partner have fertility problems. Now, let’s talk about the next topic which is fertility treatment medications.

30-Days Menstrual Cycle

28-Days Menstrual Cycle

32-Days Menstrual Cycle

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