Preparing for IVF Egg Retrieval: Optimizing Your Journey to Conception

On this topic, we will describe about the Egg Retrieval Preparation Try To Conceive from fertility physician and doctor mom to educate on fertility.

We will detail about how to prepare for an egg retrieval, what to do for an egg retrieval, what to expect the day of, what to expect the next day, what is the recovery like, what are the next steps. And let’s start detailing about egg retrieval preparation.

IVF Egg Retrieval Preparation Try to Conceive

IVF Egg Retrieval Preparation Try To Conceive Summary

  • Health Info: IVF Egg Retrieval Preparation Try to Conceive
  • Health Category: Fertility
  • Media Publicity: For public awareness

Taking Injections for Egg Retrieval Preparation

The first thing is IVF involves taking injections before Egg Retrieval Preparation for a period of 8 to 10 days usually leading up to the egg retrieval. And as much as possible which I know it can be hard but it’s as much as possible it’s good to have a flexible mentality, but it comes to timeline because we truly won’t know which day the egg retrieval is going to fall at the beginning of the process. The close the get to the time of the egg retrieval, the more we’ll be able to estimate what day the egg retrieval will fall but we really won’t know until 48 hours prior to egg retrieval.

Take It Easy

The other things to plan for is on the day of the egg retrieval try to conceive we want you to take it easy. So, don’t plan any appointments, don’t plan to catch up work project, you’ve been meaning to catch up on, we want you to take it easy because you’re in that 24-hour recovery period. So, maybe catching up on that book you’ve been wanting to catch up on or the Netflix or Hulu Series. These are the type of things I would plan for.

Also, the day of the egg retrieval, you will have anesthesia, so you will need somebody to drive you home that day and to be with you for the first 24 hours after the procedure. To check on you and also just to be there if you need anything.

The Timing

The last thing is going to be the timing of the trigger and the timing of the egg retrieval. These things are very important. The purpose of the trigger is to trigger the last steps of the egg maturation and also to help the egg release from the follicle wall so that we will be able to retrieve it. It is also time ovulation we plan to do the egg retrieval just prior to ovulation. We don’t want you to ovulate to the egg retrieval because you will release the eggs with ovulation and then we will not be able to retrieve them.

So, the timing of everything is very important. When it comes to trigger time I would setup maybe 3o minutes in advance, make sure you have all your syringes, needles everything’s to go so that you do your trigger at the exact right time you need to do it.

Arrive Early

The egg retrieval is going to be timed about 35 to 36 hours after the trigger. Now the time that you arrive is going to be important. We want you to arrive usually 45 minutes in advance where there’ve some setup we need to do, we need gown up, go over some instructions, put in on the IV and talk to the anesthesiologist. It is important to you are no arriving at the procedure time but you’re arriving at the arrival time.

The other thing that good to remember is planning in advance if there’s traffic or if you live on the other side of town maybe planning to stay at a nearby hotel but making sure that you arrive on time so that the procedure falls on time and we don’t want you to lose any of those eggs.

Prep of the Day

On the day of the egg retrieval, we want to make sure you didn’t eat anything after midnight (the night before the procedure). We want you to be as relaxed, as positive as possible, not stressed rushing to get there. So, try and plan in advance for that.

Wear Comfortable Cloth

It is good to wear comfortable clothing, pants and shirts, things that easy to get in and get out of before and after the procedure.

No Fragrances

Please don’t wear any fragrances, perfumes, deodorants or just anything that could potentially have an impact on the eggs. Once you arrive that day, you’ll meet the nurses. They will go over a few more instructions and then they’ll go ahead and put in your IV. Gown up so basically you are going to completely undress. The hospital will give you a gown, put your hair up in a bouffant so your hair is under a cap. Bring your own sock or we’ll provide socks. The hospital also provides these little booties that you will put on over the socks. That’s essentially how you get ready for the OR.

You will meet some other people that are going to be in the room with us. The CRNA or anesthesiologist will meet you answer any questions pertaining to the anesthesia. Then you will meet the physician and ask any question to them as well. As a physician, we always review the flow sheet and know how many and size follicles are there. We have in our mind an estimation how many eggs we’re aiming to get. The physician will try to get as many eggs as possible.

Operation Room

The physician will have you empty your bladder, and we’ll walk you back to the Operation Room. You will lay down on the bed. The physician will put some monitors on you so that the anesthelogist will monitor your vital sign during the procedures. They’ll put you to sleep, you are not intubated where you have a tube down your throat for the procedure. Now you are in nice deep sleep, you won’t feel anything during the procedure.

The Procedure Length

The procedure length can vary on average it is about 15 to 20 minutes. The procedure length is really depending on how many eggs are there.

IVF Info:

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FAQ IVF Egg Retrieval: Answers to Your Common Questions

What are IVF egg retrieval preparation try to conceive you need to know?

You should follow these steps before you are entering the IVF egg retrieval process: –

  1. Taking injection
  2. Take it easy
  3. The timing
  4. Arrive early
  5. Prep of the day etc.
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