Love: Navigating the Realm of Romance and Marriage

Love belongs to anyone in the world and should be owned and possessed. We always see couples embroidering love and always in pairs to and fro. If we are at university or in school, that is, teenagers, God will give us the desire to date or make love. Because that is a natural thing that happens to every human being.

Love - The Realm of Romance and Marriage is the Most Beautiful Thing in the World

Love - The Realm of Romance and Marriage is the Most Beautiful Thing in the World Summary

  • Health Info: Love – The Realm of Romance and Marriage is the Most Beautiful Thing in the World
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One-Hearted Couple

The beautiful moments of a couple in love will be embroidered with words of love and affection. Deep feelings of love will be accompanied by romantic notes such as “I love You” and “I Miss You”. Many songs are played on radio funnels and on Youtube that revolve around feelings of love and breakup. That is the essence of human beings who do not run away from loving each other.

Men are likened to beetles while women are likened to flowers. There is some truth to this metaphor because the flower that is blooming is very beautiful to look at and so is the teenage woman who is called a virgin is very beautiful to look at. What’s more, the woman has a beautiful, spoiled, humble character, and does not go against the orders of her parents and does not violate religious orders. That is the characteristic of every man’s dream woman.

The same is true of the man who is likened to a beetle. The beetle will look for the fragrant flower for the beetle to approach it. A man who is pious, knowledgeable, not emotional, muscular, has a clear vision in life, macho and does not go against the mother’s orders are the dream characteristics of every woman.

Adolescent Monkey Love

Monkey love is often associated with love in the school world, that is, when you are just a teenager. When a person has reached puberty, then that is where the feelings of passion and lust begin. The feeling of liking the ‘secret admirer’ and looking without blinking brings a very deep feeling in the heart.

From Eyes to Hearts

The feeling that begins with just looking brings the feeling of wanting to approach someone. So, the birth of a very beautiful feeling when adolescence is the feeling of love. Wanting to get to know her better and wanting to be with her is a common thing for every couple who wants to make love. And if someone accepts our love, we will feel very happy as if this world is ours. But if our love is rejected, then the heart is like a tumult and finally cries of grief.

Start Dressing Up and Exercising

Adolescent girls will start to like perfumes and make-up to look beautiful in the eyes of men. And so are teenage boys who want to look strong and macho to impress women. Muscular body is by doing exercise and weight lifting can make the body of young men become tough, the muscles will stand out. Feeling proud of having got a great six pack abdomen or biceps.

Wearing makeup on the face, lipstick, wearing perfumes and wearing beautiful and sexy clothes are things that can steal a man’s attention. Young women want to look beautiful and stand out. But keep in mind, every beauty has its limits.

Start Making Love

School age and university life are things that unite men and women into a loving couple. No less also those who study in colleges and universities will make the field of gaining knowledge as a place to make love. But it must be remembered that learning is more important than making love. Love will come anytime and without having to be sought. Love is born of a pure heart. Purify the morning dew.

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