Fertility Medications and Drugs to Enhance Your Journey

We will discuss about fertility medications which are the second step for you to be a mother. Worried because it’s hard to get pregnant? Frustrated when every time you period cycle and don’t get pregnant? What is a best medication for this problem? All the questions that arise in our minds will be answered in this section.

Fertility Medications and Drugs

Fertility Medications and Drugs Summary

  • Health Info: Fertility Medications and Drugs
  • Department: o&G
  • Media Publicity: For general info

Fertility Medications - The Drugs Highlights

Fertility medicine should not be bought at will and must seek medical advice. So, taking any controlled drugs must get advice from a reproductive doctor. Medicines such as herbs, Jamu’s drinking water and others are highly not recommended for you to try because it will harm the hormones, genitals and also risk getting a very terrible disease. In addition, your kidneys are damaged and trigger various chronic diseases. Wood root medicines sold by the roadside that are said to be able to treat fertility are very dangerous as they can endanger our health and lives.

So, never try to buy wood root medicine because such ingredients do not go through clinical and laboratory tests. Only the beliefs of some people cannot be used as a basis.

What is the Function of Fertility Medicine?

There are 2 categories of fertility drugs as follows: –

  1. Medicine for women.
  2. Medicine for men.

Female fertility medications work to increase the rate of egg production and mature the egg so that the egg looks large when the woman is fertile. It also helps increase female hormones while male fertility drugs are usually related to semen and the sperm content found in semen. In addition, men have hormone problems or problems with erecting the penis is also one example of male venereal disease problems.

Make an Appointment and State the Problem Clearly to Your Doctor

After 6 months you are married but you still can’t get pregnant, this is an early sign that you and/or your partner are having fertility problems.

Feeling embarrassed?

Many are embarrassed to tell fertility problems to a specialist doctor. But are you aware, many of us expressing financial or marital problems openly on social media? Nevertheless, also many who express feelings of anger and frustration with their own partner as a result of cheating or not carrying out responsibilities as a good partner? If feelings like cheating and feeling unappreciated by a partner can be told through Facebook, Instagram, tweeter or whatever social media platform is available, this means you are determined to tell anyone in the virtual world, and this can open humiliation to yourself.

But it is different with fertility problems or difficulty conceiving that are rarely updated on social media. We seem embarrassed to tell others. In our opinion, marital problems such as cheating, finances and fertility should not be made public because the matter affects ourselves. A better way is to see counselling if you have marital problems or visit a reproductive specialist if you have difficulty conceiving.

Turning to the issue of making an appointment with a reproductive doctor, you don’t have to feel embarrassed. They are professionals and will not divulge your secrets or your partner’s. You must clearly state the problems you are facing such as irregular menstrual cycle, lack of penis stimulation to tighten, menstruation and other problems. Making an appointment with a reproductive doctor is an early way to deal with difficult pregnancy problems in the early stages of marriage.

Taking Fertility Medications and Supplements

After the doctor identifies your or your partner’s fertility problems, the doctor will do an analysis, give advice and prescribe medication. At the initial stage of the appointment with a reproductive specialist doctor, you doctor will make an analysis of several things as follows: –

  • Determine the menstrual cycle whether 28 days, 30 days or so.
  • Determine the appropriate time for sexual intercourse based on the analysis performed. For example, at night or everyday interval from before or after the fertile time is determined.
  • Advise appropriate sexual intercourse techniques to increase the percentage of pregnancies.
  • Perform some fertility tests such as taking blood samples and semen samples.

The reproductive doctor will determine what medication is right for you after all things are taken into account. The doctor will make your next appointment like the second day of menstruation or on a fertile day like the 14th day. This phase (medications and supplements) usually involves a period of time between 6 months to 1 year before the IUI method is performed.

Examples of Fertility Medications

Usually, the doctor will give you Clomid, a non-steroidal medicine that works to produce hormones from the pituitary gland to stimulate fertility better. The active ingredient found in Clomid 50 is clomiphene citrate. Another popular drug is Femara. Femara promotes the development of female eggs and induces ovulation in women who experience irregular fertility patterns. It also helps increase female egg production.

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FAQ Fertility Pharmaceuticals: Answers to Your Common Questions

What is Fertility Medications?

Fertility medications are chemical drugs approved by the Ministry of Health Malaysia (Ministry of Health or MOH). Each drug has a specific function and is very dangerous if you use it without getting advice from a specialist doctor. This medicine is categorized as control medicine and can be purchased at government or private pharmacies but must be prescribed by your doctor.

What female fertility medicine work to stimulate eggs and hormones?

Popular female fertility medications to treat the early stages of egg and hormone development problems are Clomid and Femara which are available in pharmacies with a doctor’s prescription.

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