IVF Prep: Optimizing Fertility for Successful In Vitro Fertilization

The question now, how well you are prepared for IVF treatment? Please read this article for better understanding before taking this final treatment for fertility because it takes a lot of money and require financial strength.

In Vitro Fertilization IVF Preparation

In Vitro Fertilization IVF Preparations Summary

  • Health Info: In Vitro Fertilization IVF Preparations
  • Department: Reproductive
  • Media Publicity: For general info

Financial Preparation for IVF Fertility Treatment

This is the basic thing to enable you to get In Vitro Fertilization treatment. This is because this is a very expensive treatment! The cost will increase if you have to take medication in large doses because not all medications are suitable for your problem. Sometimes doctors have to increase the dose, and this results in sudden costs. So, you should always have extra money if this IVF treatment requires additional medication.

There are many procedures before you do IVF treatment that require large costs such as doing pre-IVF screening tests, ultrasounds, injectable medications, supplements and vitamins, doctor’s consultation fees and other fees.

  1. Make Savings or Deposits in the Bank: Ideally, you can save your money one year before you plan to have IVF treatment.
  2. Apply for a Personal Loan at a Bank and Cooperative: Make sure your name is eligible (not blacklisted by the bank) to apply for a personal loan or express financing if your savings are insufficient. You may click https://personalfinancingloan.com for latest personal loan promotions from banks and cooperative.
  3. Save Your Bonus Money: You can save bonus money from the company where you work to cover the cost of expensive IVF treatment. Don’t think of swapping up a car, buying a new smartphone or wasting your money by shopping online.
  4. Withdraw Employee Contributions: You can apply to withdraw the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) contribution to cover the high cost of IVF treatment.

Mental Preparation for IVF Fertility Treatment

We will share the best methods to prepare mentally for In Vitro Fertilization IVF treatment.

  1. Always thinking positively: This attitude should be there for every couple. Don’t say bad things to your partner.
  2. Get All the Info Related to IVF Treatment: Read a lot of articles on the internet about couples who successfully conceive with IVF treatment, what procedures are performed, what technology is used etc.
  3. Always Confident at All Times during IVF Fertility Treatment: You have to be confident in yourself. High confidence keeps you from getting upset about the big test in your life.
  4. Reduce Emotions: Control your emotions especially when you are driving on the road, the problem of piles of office work, neighborhood problems and others.
  5. Eliminate Hot Temper: Feelings of hot temper don’t carry any meaning to you. Feeling angry causes your head to ache, the heart to beat faster and to reduce oxygen in the body.
  6. Reduce Conflict and Disagreement: Bring it up to discuss with your partner if there is anything wrong with his or her actions. You need to realize that the man and the woman created by Allah S.W.T have many differences about taste, feeling, preferences etc.
  7. Forgive Each Other: God will love you if you do not continue to rage. The feeling of mutual forgiveness should be yours to form a noble personality.
  8. Worship a lot and pray to Allah S.W.T.: Pray a lot and fasting. In this way, the soul becomes calm, and success will be with us.
  9. Give a lot of Charity and Do Good Thing: The practice of almsgiving is highly demanded by religion because it can purify the heart from bad traits such as stinginess, miserliness and arrogance.
  10. Reduce Tension or Stress: Don’t be quick to lash out or be too sensitive to the environment. Extreme stress does not help you to conceive.
  11. Talk a lot with your Partner to Create a Stronger Compatibility: Communication is one of the keys to marital happiness and talking to your partner about the IVF fertility treatments you will be doing later can help you with the big test in your life.
  12. Always Improve Yourself: Be a diligent person if you are lazy, get up early if you always get up late and prevent yourself from committing immorality and other ugly things.

Physical Preparation for IVF Fertility Treatment

After we know the financial and mental preparation, the last thing we need to know is the physical preparation before taking IVF fertility treatment.

  1. Practice a Balanced Diet: Practicing a balanced diet and following the food pyramid helps you manage excess weight. A good diet helps your body to conceive.
  2. Lose Weight: Obesity can reduce fertility. Know your BMI and deal with weight problems before you do In Vitro Fertilization treatment. An ideal weight can help you in coping with the stresses of life and avoiding chronic diseases.
  3. Exercise a lot: A healthy and fit body and mind can be achieved by exercising. Start with a brisk walk 3 times a day for 1 hour. Good for the heart, helps blood circulation and reduces stress.
  4. Reduce Drinking Coffee and Foods Containing Caffeine: Drinks like these do not help and can even interfere with your fertility. Drink fruit juice or green tea to refresh the mind and as an antioxidant agent.
  5. Reduce Fatty Foods: Avoid eating animal fats and chicken skins as they can cause saturated fats to accumulate in our body and cause dangerous diseases and narrow blood vessels.
  6. Drink a lot of boiled water: Practice drinking plenty of boiled water especially during the day to maintain fluid levels in the body.

Related Article About Fertility

FAQ IVF Preparation: Answers to Your Common Questions

What are things you need to focus on for physical preparation for IVF treatment?

The things you need to focus on for physical preparation for IVF treatment are as follows: –

  1. Practice a balanced diet.
  2. Lose weight.
  3. Exercise a lot.
  4. Cut down on coffee and foods that contain caffeine.
  5. Drink lots of boiled water.
  6. Eat lots of vegetables.
  7. Cut down on high fat foods.
  8. Get enough sleep and rest.
  9. Eat lots of fruits.
  10. Practice taking supplements
  11. Abstain from alcohol.
  12. Quit smoking or vape.
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