Bengkak Hati: Punca, Gejala, dan Rawatan Terkini – Panduan Komprehensif Penyakit bengkak hati boleh berpunca dari masalah kesihatan, gaya hidup, dan diet. Mari lihat punca, cara-cara untuk mengelakkannya dan rawatan yang boleh dijalankan di laman...
Read MoreHypertension Explained: Understanding High Blood Pressure
Hypertension or high blood pressure is a dangerous disease that is often experienced by everyone in the world. Hypertension if identified early can prevent the occurrence of chronic diseases that are difficult to treat. By identifying the cause of the disease, how to avoid it as well as the medications you need to take, you can control your blood pressure so that it does not soar high that can threaten your life.
Hypertension / High Blood Pressure Summary
- Health Info: Hypertension / High Blood Pressure
- Health Category: Health
- Media Publicity: For public awareness
How Do You Know You Have Hypertension?
If you experience symptoms such as persistent headaches, numbness in the neck or stiff shoulders, you should seek treatment at a clinic or hospital. Only a doctor can confirm you have high blood pressure. Another way is to use an Omron Blood Pressure Monitor device. This device can be purchased and monitored at home. If the reading is high, you must see a doctor or go straight to the hospital emergency department.
Signs of Hypertension / High Blood Pressure
Below are the signs of hypertension that usually occurred for individuals:
- Prolonged Headache: This is an early sign of high blood pressure. Usually, the headache occurs at the back of the head and progresses to the shoulders.
- Neck Aches: The human neck is dynamic and can be moved in any position. However, when we find that our neck feels numb or heavy when moving it, hurry to see a doctor to get confirmation of your disease.
- Stiff shoulder: Stiff shoulder is a condition where your shoulders become very hard. You find it difficult to lift your arms high and do shoulder exercises. This is a clear sign you have high blood pressure / hypertension.
- Lots of Wind in the Body: If anyone touches a body part and afterwards burps, that is a sign of high blood pressure. The shoulder blades or the back of the head is a place that is easy to get wind when touched even with a gentle touch.
- Easy to Get Angry: Sometimes we are quick to get angry even if only small mistakes are made. Feelings of irritability if not controlled will become stressful and in turn raise your blood pressure.
- Restless Heart and Fibrous Mind: Don’t always think about a neighbor who just bought a new car or feel jealous of a newly promoted colleague because if our thoughts are focused on negative things, we will get sick such as hypertension.
- Too Sensitive: In the event of death, an unfortunate family member or a business suffering huge losses will cause your blood pressure to rise sharply. Don’t be too sensitive just relaxed and think positively. Take a deep breath. And stay calm.
Causes of Hypertension
To discuss more about the cuases of hypertension, see below:
- Obesity: Obesity is a major contributing factor to high blood pressure. If obesity is not controlled, you will get diseases such as back pain, heart failure, diabetes and others.
- Not getting enough sleep: Due to the stress of a lot of work in the office and appointments until late at night, you do not get enough sleep. You will quickly fall asleep and eventually you force yourself to look fresh. This method can contribute to hypertension.
- Severe Stress: Stress is a major contributor to any high -risk disease such as high blood pressure. Deal with stress in a good way. Love yourself and the people around you.
- Always Work in a Rush: We should not rush without clear planning in our lives. Work with humility and always remember God in whatever work we do to prevent any unwanted illness from befalling us.
- High Work Pressure: The company certainly cares about the work performance of its employees. However, you are advised to take a break by washing your face or go to the pantry to drink a glass of water to relieve some of the high work pressure.
- Eat Oily/ Fried Foods: Eating fried food like fried chicken is really delicious. But the high content of saturated fats in cooking oil has a detrimental effect on our health and may cause serious disease such as hypertension.
- Eat a lot of red meat: Beef and lamb are examples of red meat that you should avoid eating in large quantities that can leading to serious disease such as hypertension, coronary disease, cholesterol etc.
- No Exercise or Recreation Activities: Not exercising is also a factor that causes you to get high blood pressure because work stress can be reduced by doing physical activities such as cycling and running.
- Hot Tempered and Irritable: Hot temper is a natural trait that happens to a handful of people. Control your hot temper to a minimum because as you grow older, you will get a dangerous chronic disease if hot temper is not handled properly.
- Smoking or Vape: The habit of smoking or vaping is a bad habit that you should avoid from the start. Never dare try to smoke and vape because you will have a hard time stopping this habit in the future.
- Drinking Liquor: Don’t you think if you are drunk you can forget the problems that arise. This is a statement that is not true at all. Alcohol can damage your internal organs.
- Drink Lots of Caffeine: Drinking coffee and tea has a high caffeine content. Cut down on drinking both of these drinks and switch to refreshing health drinks.
- Don’t Act Arrogant: Don’t act arrogant in front of people because your blood pressure will rise sharply. The face will turn red, and all your actions will be out of control.
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What is high blood pressure/ hypertension?
High blood pressure or hypertension is a reading of blood pressure that exceeds the normal limit using a manual or automatic blood pressure device. Usually, doctors start to suspect you are a high blood pressure patient based on environmental factors such as workplace, fatigue and so on.
What causes of hypertension or high blood pressure?
Hypertension usually occurred when the age reached 40 years, but now it strikes regardless of age. Anyone who does not practice a healthy lifestyle will definitely get high blood pressure. Among them are: –
- Obesity.
- Not getting enough sleep.
- Severe stress.
- Always rushing.
- High work pressure.
- Eat greasy/ fried foods.
- Eat a lot of red meat.
- No exercise or recreation.
- Hot tempered and irritable.
- Smoking or vaping.
- Drinking alcohol.
- Drink lots of caffeine.
- Don’t act arrogant.
Signs of hypertension or high blood pressure
Each disease will show its symptoms. And among the signs that you are a person with hypertension / high blood pressure are as follows: –
- Prolonged Headache
- Neck pain
- Stiff shoulder
- Lots of wind in the body.
- Irritability
- The heart is restless and the mind is fibrous
- It is easy to get upset if something undesirable happens to us.