Choosing between "Love" and "Study"

If you are at the crossroads between love and study, which one should you choose? Can we choose both and divide the time between love and study?

For us, we will choose love. Why do we say like that? The answer is simple, if we love studying, we will not deviate from external elements that can damage our learning. How do we cultivate a love of learning? Here, we will share tips that make your mind will rotate 360 ​​degrees!

Love Vs Study?

Love Vs Study Summary

  • Health Info: Love Vs Study?
  • Media Publicity: For general purpose only

Love of Study Highlights

To cultivate the feeling of love, one needs to feel love at first sight. That is the first concept for the love of learning. Love at first sight is not just love when looking at women only, but we need to apply the feeling of love at first sight to your study. Here are the tips that need to be followed: –

  1. The feeling of love for a study is the same as our love for something we really like. For example, we really like Yamaha RXZ motorcycles and will stare every time we see them on the road. Our minds will never stop thinking about the sexiness of the Yamaha RXZ and if I can have my dream motorcycle, I will take care of it as best I can. Wipe off all scratches, wash and make regular maintenance.
  2. The book must be flipped through several pages to bring a feeling of liking a subject. For example, the subject of the history of Malaysia’s independence, we need to know how difficult it was to achieve independence, who the independence figures were, what agreements and negotiations were made until independence was achieved and more. By flipping through a few pages, you already get the whole idea of ​​how to create a feeling of love for the lesson.
  3. Take it with you wherever you go. If you love playing video games on your mobile phone, you will never get bored of playing those video games. Even if there is little free time you will not miss to continue to play video games. Similarly with studies, wherever you go you should carry small notes kept in a handbag or wallet or make a layer capture (screen shot) of several pages of the subject you want to read, and you can read anywhere. This way the feeling of love will come in abundance because a lot of your time you spent by studying.
  4. Don’t forget even for a moment. Feelings of love embroidered with sincerity and honesty will make your heart comforted. You are not burdened with the syllabus because your memory of the lesson will always be in the shadows no matter where you are. In bed, on the couch, at the dining table, in the room, in the car, in the restaurant, in the recreation park or even in the toilet, your memory is never erased about the subject.
  5. Willing to cross the vast ocean and traverse the thorns for love. What if we translate these feelings into studies and not to the individual or girl we love? If we ‘tweak’ our minds a little to be willing to work hard and have fun with knowledge, then the knowledge we gain will not be lost just like that. For example, if a student is involved in an accident, he still reads and memorizes subjects to achieve success even while in the ward.

Such are the qualities and characteristics of youth or students that we want to advance yourself and have a bright future. There are actually many other tips that can be shared, but just enough of this so that you can understand that you don’t have to find a partner while in school, but pair it with knowledge.

Congratulations to those who have just graduated and achieved excellent results in exams. And congratulations on your graduation. Now, the school and college days are over, and you have to go through the days of work and beyond to the gates of marriage.

Building a Mosque

Entering the realm of marriage is something that all human beings who want to live in a couple look forward to. This marriage is associated with building a mosque. Everyone knows the mosque with its beautiful Islamic design and magnificent buildings. Inside it is decorated with zikir and recitation of the holy verses of the Al-Quran so as not to be lonely and feel calm. The same goes to marriage. Marriage is a big thing in our lives. The ‘Akad Nikah’ is an important part of our lives. Because it is from marriage that we can legalize what is haram and unite two families.

Many are stranded in school or fail to graduate as a result of premature romance. And many also change their appearance to more negative due to breakup. Some become so depressed that they want to commit suicide because they are really disappointed in love and lost their virginity. Think about what will happen to yourself after 5 or 10 years because this monkey love can’t make you think ahead sensibly. Your thoughts are just mere fables or fairy tales.

You feel that you can’t live without someone you love so much as if you think that is your first and everlasting love. It is a great loss if you are dating in school and all your actions are controlled by your partner. This too young age should open your eyes towards more maturing yourself to face the challenges ahead.

After graduation, the thing that comes to mind is getting a good job and marriage. A good job depends on how your traits and character are formed while at university and how well you excel in your studies. After getting a good job, now comes the long-awaited time to start a family.

The Offspring

Every couple who is a husband and wife will surely crave the beautiful baby and a pious child in the future. The time of marriage is the long-awaited time to end all our love questions and break all the bonds of promise that have been sealed to be a lawful husband and wife.

Yet there are couples who are happy after 3 months of marriage found out you are pregnant. Feelings of speeceless joy and like a dream come true. You are both expectant mothers and fathers!

That is the very happy feeling of waiting for the moment of the birth of a child. And be grateful to the couple who are given offspring because they have completed the cycle or wheel of life. From love at first sight and embroidered with love and so on to the realm of marriage.

But there are also couples who have problems after marriage. Aside from the problem of not understanding each other, financial problems and cheating become a big test in our household ark. We are tested with a variety of problems such as suffering from chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke or disability.

The Great Test of the Realm of Marriage

For a happy couple, there will definitely be a test that comes from Allah SWT. And the biggest test for a husband and wife is when it is difficult to conceive. It is very embarrassing if our relatives ask ‘why are you still not pregnant’? But whatever it is, the question of this child is God’s business and we only do our best effort and trust in God. Although various ways have been done, it is still difficult for you to conceive. Month after month, year after year, you have finally reached the age of 30 and you are still not pregnant!

So, let’s get into the topics straight away on difficulty pregnancy and female fertility treatment from Dr Hamid Arshat, a gynaecologist who is very famous in Malaysia and the world on the next post!

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